Updating Nodes
To update a single node you can use the updateNode function provided by the useSvelteFlow hook. If you want to update more nodes at once, it is recommended to use the updateNodes function. Naturally, you can also update your nodes and edges manually.
Nodes, Edges and their Data objects are immutable! You have to create new objects to notify Svelte Flow about the update!
<script lang="ts">
import { SvelteFlow, Background, type Edge, type Node } from '@xyflow/svelte';
import '@xyflow/svelte/dist/style.css';
const initialNodes: Node[] = [
{ id: '1', data: { label: '-' }, position: { x: 100, y: 100 } },
{ id: '2', data: { label: 'Node 2' }, position: { x: 100, y: 200 } },
const initialEdges: Edge[] = [{ id: 'e1-2', source: '1', target: '2' }];
let nodes = $state.raw<Node[]>(initialNodes);
let edges = $state.raw(initialEdges);
let nodeName = $state('Node 1');
let nodeBg = $state('#F58A6A');
let nodeHidden = $state(false);
function updateNode() {
nodes = nodes.map((node) => {
if (node.id === '1') {
return {
data: {
label: nodeName,
style: `background: ${nodeBg}`,
hidden: nodeHidden,
return node;
edges = edges.map((edge) => {
if (edge.id === 'e1-2') {
return {
hidden: nodeHidden,
return edge;
function updateNodeName(event) {
nodeName = event.target.value;
function updateNodeBg(event) {
nodeBg = event.target.value;
function updateNodeHidden(event) {
nodeHidden = event.target.checked;
<SvelteFlow bind:nodes bind:edges fitView maxZoom={2}>
<div class="updatenode__controls">
<input value={nodeName} oninput={updateNodeName} />
<label class="updatenode__bglabel">background:</label>
<input value={nodeBg} oninput={updateNodeBg} />
<div class="updatenode__checkboxwrapper">
<input type="checkbox" oninput={updateNodeHidden} />
<Background />
:global(.updatenode__controls) {
position: absolute;
right: 10px;
top: 10px;
z-index: 4;
font-size: 12px;
:global(.updatenode__controls label) {
display: block;
:global(.updatenode__bglabel) {
margin-top: 10px;
:global(.updatenode__checkboxwrapper) {
margin-top: 10px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
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